Cold weather look

I told you about it a few days ago, the blog is slowly changing, new design in preparation, new name, and obviously new content! The desire to share my passion and my vision of fashion, that of everyday life, is even stronger. To go further, I offer you "turnkey" looks, you can find all my reviews onGoMet' So today let's inaugurate the Fashion section, a section that will bring together the latest fashion looks and inspirations. A kind of trend deflux. I hope you like the idea; I look forward to your feedback!

A very cold look!

The verdict is final, winter is coming to the city. Cold temperatures and a desire to stay warm and hibernate at home. Morale goes down as low as the thermometer, don't panic, it's possible not to end up in ice without looking like an Eskimo. Here are some tips to stay fashionable even in the coldest weather.

A comfortable outfit

Yes, when the Mistral blows hard, it is not good to go out in a skirt! No more glamorous clothes, when it's cold you need to feel good in your clothes.
Scandinavian decoration
Cat reporter at the Acontraluz festival