Cache-cache store

Hello little cats!!!!! I'm back with a look, and especially a new hair colour. A huge need for change, the desire to move forward, I feel like a chrysalis, many things have moved and are evolving around me, in many areas. And it's well known when you're not at the top nothing better than a hair change?!?! A great feminine classic, an obvious symptom of THE questioning. Good attention we are talking about a "turn" no exit of the road!!!!! So, we avoid the purple or red color that we love on Rihanna and other Nicki Minaj, and the ultra-trendy scissor stroke, that we will surfer tonight on the dancefloor and that we will assume more at all Monday morning when we get to work. So, we settle down, think about it and go see our favorite hairdresser. I rely on Sophie from the Scalp Salon, located in Aix en Provence (info here). What I like is that between what she offers me and the result there is no 6cm gap or 3 darker tones. I'm a little tense with my mane, I don't let anyone come near me, and this morning when I woke up with this desire for a new head I didn't even know what I wanted, it's to tell you the blind trust I have in him! To conclude, the result is just splendid, a slight and yet radical change you like? Let's talk a little bit about the look now, some time ago I was offered to participate in the "Leave without Pay" operation organized by Cache Cache. From March 5 to 9 the game allowed to win a voucher. 3 possibilities: 1) The right to leave without paying, 2) 20% discount or nothing!!!! I didn't have time to participate as I had a very busy program, I still went to the store to discover the collection. I shopped some basic owls, this pretty jacket and this necklace with ethnic accents. A brand that I rediscovered thanks to this operation and which pleasantly surprised me. A chic cool outfit (no one says that I don't know!!!!!) by my beloved underwear and my destroyed jeans, all without breaking my piggy bank I kiss you and find you very soon. Have a good weekend.
Parisian woman
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